The BioIntegrale Ark

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Which animals would Noah take on his famous ark, apart from his wife, his three sons and their wives? Which ones would get the BioIntegrale passport? From the horse to the goose, from the earthworm to the cow, let us examine them one by one.

Docile and tireless, the workhorse is the perfect BioIntegrale companion: workingthe clods continuously, smoothly, regularly and gently. There are no emissions with it. If you are parochial you should get an Artigliere (an Italian agricultural heavy draft-horse), while if you prefer French horses you will find that a Comtois is a good choice.

When you see them hopping here and there furtively, you’ll know that you’ve reached your 100 % BioIntegrale goal: with cultivated, but healthy territory, where nature is protected and the environment kept safe.

Whether you call it an earthworm, a caterpillar or simply a worm, just remember the important thing is to get him to live in your cultivated field. At this point you’ll get the confirmation that your soil is highly vital: crawling in the soil, the earthworm eats the soil, while digesting the organic components: this helps soil aeration and also the formation of humus .

Greedy for grass, geese will be your best companions in keeping the fields clean, including vineyards, without having to use a brush cutter. Remember however, that you’ll need a lot of them: theyl browse a lot and above all, they won’t feel lonely – they love company. Last but not least: they’re great for green manure!

You can choose to rwork with a flock of sheep: devouring grass, they ensure that the cultivated field is kept clean, while contributing to the natural fertilization of the soil. Give them a try!

Talking about green manure: remember horn manure (read more here). Do you remember about cows? They’ve the perfect horns to work with.